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Consolidating all the essential matters for the kingdom benefit

I did not know, at least for once that most of the time I retained a kind of view that only benefits relativity. But I guess it is because I didn't have exposure to the most significant matters of life; those in which the absolute is defined in an absolute manner. Now I look at life and wonder why I always had these opinions in my mind. Of course, they were relative opinions because they hadn't become convictions that got embodied in my character. I tend to believe I have from long been privileged with the understanding of opinions and convictions. There is a propensity to get acclimatized to convictions, there is a tendency to waver in regard to opinions.
 Life is a cycle but more of a curve that extrapolates itself even into undefined bounds. When I finally got exposed to more ideologies, concepts, views, and cultures that were unfamiliar to my environment, I then had to ask myself the most profound question in life;

I realize there are many relative convictions and opinions, I sense there are many subjective ways and cultures; What is the absolute and the objective?

Flexibility was the most important virtue in the journey of defining what to subscribe to. I have had to strip myself and most importantly my mind of the very opinions that masqueraded as principles and pretending to hold my convictions in place. I knew that the most important truth in the Christian faith is not to hold to subjective claims, it is to dispute mere opinions, desert relativity and seek the absolute. It is to become affiliated with the truth as far as we can 

31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
33 They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?”
34 Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. 35 And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. 36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:32-36 NKJV

This scripture means much to me when it comes to these important issues of life. In the light of this understanding, I'm provoked to ask some fundamental questions in this regard.

_ Does it mean one can hold onto convictions that are far from the truth? 
_Does it mean that one can remain attached to what is considered absolute but in regard to the truth it is just a subjective statement?
_Does it mean it is possible to get blinded by cultures, world views, perspectives and opinions of men and hold them as conviction?
_It is worth to place opinions and views as convictions?
_When can one fully be convinced and convicted of their touch with the truth?

I believe it is not only important to seek the truth with flexibility but also to handle to the truth we already know with wisdom. Standing in the place of subjectivity only produces subjective opinions. It is only willing to seek the truth and seek the objective truth that can give an opportunity for an open perception and reception of the truth. Jesus in this scriptures says that it is after being His disciples that can expose us to the truth that sets free. I have also realized that our environments contribute much to the definition of the convictions that we hold onto and more in our perception of the truth.

The capacity to understand how to consolidate the essential entities for the sake of an absolute conviction and truth about life is defined by the following:

_The convictions we hold onto.
_The source of those convictions(principles)
_The principles that define those convictions
_The credibility of those principles
_The measure of objectivity in which these principles lay
_The authors of those convictions
_The truth that defines all these entities and holds them together in place.
_The Absolute.

In all cultures and values placed upon life, it is important to understand the secret of consolidating the essentialities of life and making use of what we hold in life.

I believe with all respect to every view, perspective, opinion, and concerns of life, that the Bible offers answers that are beyond any doubt. I consider it as an absolute reference to the greatest questions and mysteries of life.  It is an absolute in regard to knowledge; because it point every one who seeks its wisdom to the absolute truth; The creator and the author of the principles that define the nature and the philosophies that are significant and meaningful to human existence.


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Being free from self-destruction

We have three enemies who fight constantly for our attention, they are of the world and can become a platform for the self-destructive traits, they include; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and pride of life .     1 John 2:16  From these emanates the self-destructive traits.These traits are evident;       s hame,  uncontrolled, thoughts, c ompulsions, f ear, h opelessness, b itterness, i nsecurity.   These are mechanics that we have to deal with as they can destroy our lives. If we let them anchor inside us, they become models of causing our hearts to walk from light and the peace of God. We must not let our hearts harbor any of them  Romans chapter 7&8 Who will give me hope against these things that destroy me from the inside?This is a place of desperation as Apostle Paul clearly attests to this. Be set free from these   traits 1. Remind myself every day of what Jesus did for me; that He died to set me free. Romans 8:1-4 God does not condemn me,

Learning from the knowledge Extracts

I am glad to inform my readers that I will consider adding other material that will be of use to you. And since this is a gospel based blog, I keep the materials within the boundaries of all that concerns Christian faith and believes. If you come across any content that you are in disagreement with, please feel free to leave a comment. I work to provide materials of quality content and be of help to every visitor to this platform. I know there is  much that clients and readers expect especially when one is under obligation, but mine is to provide quality writing with original and shared content(those from sermons and legally shareable under copywrite laws as they are not person based but are meant to benefit the society), inspired by the a conviction to share the gospel of Jesus.I see this just as the Lord Jesus instructed His disciples before He was taken up... But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me  in Jerusalem, an


In this blog, I share pieces of sermons and extracts from various preachers around the world.Please note that the messages have general added notes. I mostly listen from their video or audio podcasts and then write down notes from them.In such a case, kindly note that I do not in any way add knowledge to the message but rather, create points whose ideologies and content is extracted from the main message. I do not preach in their sermons! I also indicate clearly the name of the Preacher and the topic or the heading of the sermons. My desire is to share the gospel and treasure extracts from Rhema word (spoken word) that comes from the hearts of Gospel ministers under the Holy Spirit's inspiration. I give the best attention for clear discernment and honest scripture dependency and reference. Note that I will share only what I can and to the extent as allowed under the Copyright laws.Be free to share and get instructed in the word. It might not be possible to indicate the Bible versi