I did not know, at least for once that most of the time I retained a kind of view that only benefits relativity. But I guess it is because I didn't have exposure to the most significant matters of life; those in which the absolute is defined in an absolute manner. Now I look at life and wonder why I always had these opinions in my mind. Of course, they were relative opinions because they hadn't become convictions that got embodied in my character. I tend to believe I have from long been privileged with the understanding of opinions and convictions. There is a propensity to get acclimatized to convictions, there is a tendency to waver in regard to opinions. Life is a cycle but more of a curve that extrapolates itself even into undefined bounds. When I finally got exposed to more ideologies, concepts, views, and cultures that were unfamiliar to my environment, I then had to ask myself the most profound question in life; I realize there are many relative convictions and opini...
As Jesus washed their feet, He was passing a message to them. He was being given over to be killed, but more He was going to the Father. The disciples seemed unaware of the happenings They forsook Him and left. The disciples did not understand what was about to fall on Jesus. They would later leave Him alone and flee. But God doesn’t forsake them that He loves. Jesus endured the shame, the loneliness of His suffering so that we can receive the love of the Father.We would not have done better than the disciples; it’s clearly the depiction of our shortcomings. Yet God loves us. We sometimes may not understand the reason for the pain, yet we must remain connected all the times. God gives us peace in those challenges, He strengthens us to overcome. We must become dependent on the Holy Spirit. He will cause us triumph and overcome every situation of life. On the cross of Jesus, it did not seem like victory anyway, but it is actually is the foundation of our hope. There was a pr...